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The anatomy dissected

Plantin as a publisher of medical work

How much was already known about anatomy in the 16th and 17th centuries? Who bought anatomical books? How did Plantin publish medical works? The Anatomy Dissected offers answers to all these questions. Its starting point is the Vivae imagines corporis humani by the Spanish doctor Juan de Valverde, published by Christophe Plantin.

24.04.2014 – 24.04.2016

Christophe Plantin published the Vivae imagines corporis humani by the Spanish doctor Juan de Valverde. The work was first issued by Plantin’s press in 1566 and is illustrated with engravings based on woodcuts from the anatomical work of Andreas Vesalius. The book remains fascinating today. The museum takes a number of questions as the starting point for this exhibition.

  • How much was already known about anatomy in the 16th and 17th centuries?

  • Who bought such books? How expensive were they? How were they made?

  • Why did Plantin publish a medical work of this kind, how did he go about it and how did he manage to sell it?

New permanent exhibition

This exhibition was part of Vesalius Year and represents a first step in the development of a new permanent exhibition to be launched in 2016.


Museum Plantin-Moretus

Unesco werelderfgoed

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