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Precious masterpieces in depot

Some original pieces of the collection highlights are (temporarly) not on display.

Museum Plantin-Moretus scoops two awards

The Museum Plantin-Moretus has been internationally feted with two silver awards.

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Museum Plantin-Moretus in a nutshell

The Plantin-Moretus Museum is the first museum to be on the Unesco World Heritage List. It is the original residence and printing house of the Plantin-Moretus publishing family in the heart of Antwerp.

Grotesques. A fascinating fantasy world

Capricious, bizarre and monstrous, but also caricatural and ridiculous. Grotesques from the Renaissance to the present.

Baroque Book Design

A tale of friendship and cooperation

28.09.2018 - 06.01.2019 | The exhibition reveals publishers' love for their trade, and how they have motivated artists, printers and designers in the past and present to create top-quality products.

Travel grant to Antwerp awarded to two international researchers (2018-2019)

Earlier this year, the Plantin-Moretus Museum and the Hendrik Conscience Heritage Library launched a fellowship programme for research into the history of the early printed book (15th-18th century) in Antwerp. Today this scholarship is granted for the first time.

What is there to do?

Fancy an unusual adventure? Visit the world’s best preserved printing press and soak up the intimate atmosphere there. Young and old, type freaks and bookworms alike will all enjoy the guided tours, exhibitions and workshops here.

Over het museum

Het originele woonhuis en atelier van de drukkersfamilie Plantin en Moretus biedt u een unieke historische ervaring. Het is dan ook Unesco-werelderfgoed. De geschiedenis van boek, drukkunst en ondernemingszin klinkt door in het krakend eikenhout. Hier vindt u de oudste drukpersen ter wereld, en nog veel meer ...

About the Museum

The original residence and workshop of the Plantin and Moretus publishing dynasty offers you a unique historical experience, which is why it is a Unesco world heritage site. The building’s creaking oak planks and panels seem imbued in the history of books, the art of printing and the story of a family’s entrepreneurial flair. The oldest printing presses in the world can be found here, and much more besides...

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