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Bruegel Prints

Online exhibition

Pieter Bruegel is probably the most important and most innovative artist from the 16th century. Besides being the painter of the world-famous 'Spreekwoorden' (Proverbs) and 'Dulle Griet' (Mad Meg), he was also a print designer. The Museum Plantin-Moretus has a print of almost all of his compositions.

On the road with Plantin. Travel in the 16th century


In the spring and summer of 2021, we will be going on a journey. Plantin travelled a lot, but never for his own leisure. It was always business first. We will head off on business trips to Leiden, Paris and Frankfurt.

Plantin on display

Impressed by Plantin

The woodcuts collection of the Plantin-Moretus Museum is a true source of inspiration. Shops and the catering industry nearby the museum highlight this impressive collection. Literally then. Discover a strong sample of illustrations on display at their shop windows.

City of Antwerp and Google put more than 100,000 books online

The City of Antwerp and Google signed an agreement to digitise a large portion of the collections of the Hendrik Conscience Heritage Library and the Plantin-Moretus Museum. This entails more than 100,000 works from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century that will be made freely accessible in the coming years via Google Books and the library catalogues of both institutions. The books to be scanned are no longer subject to copyright.

Twelve meter long funeral procession of emperor Charles V

A magnifique funeral procession in honour of Charles V, printed on a roll.

Plantins beautiful luxury Bible

This Bible is richly illustrated with 94 engravings. One of the most beautiful Bibles ever published in Plantins printing office.

The royal Bible in five languages - Arias Montanus

Plantins absolute masterpiece: a Bible consisting of eight parts in five languages.

Rubens, design drawings

As well as painting for Balthasar I Moretus, Rubens also designed printer’s marks and bookillustrations.

Precious masterpieces in depot

Some original pieces of the collection highlights are (temporarly) not on display.

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