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ABC 2004. Sampling Letters, Appreciating Prints

16.10.2014 - 16.01.2005 | The first part of this double exhibition was devoted to the type samples of Christophe Plantin. The second part dealt with the graphic techniques of book illustration, from the 15th century to the present day.

Rubens 2004

A love of books: Rubens and his library

Like his art collection, Rubens’ library reflected his personality. He read artists’ biographies and studied atlases, books on language and the fledgling science of archaeology, preferably in Latin. Rubens’ library was one of the largest in Antwerp. The selection shown in Rubens 2004 had never previously been exhibited.

Tyndale’s Testament

The pivotal figure in the preparation of the first English Bible translation in print was William Tyndale. His achievement helped unite the English people.

Geometrical and Navigational Compasses

'Geometrical and Navigational Compasses. Southern Netherlandish Capital and Knowledge as the 16th-Century Building Blocks for the East India Company' was the title of this exhibition in 2002, marking the 400th anniversary of the Dutch East India Company. The exhibition focused on two related subjects: Antwerp’s trade outside Europe, and scientific knowledge in the Southern Netherlands in the 16th century.

Arabic Culture and Ottoman Splendour

During Antwerp's Golden Age

01.12.2001 - 03.03.2002 | The Officina Plantiniana and Antwerp played a crucial role in the cultural interchange between the Arab and the Western world. The exhibition gave an outline of that interchange. It was also part of the celebration of the 125th anniversary of both the Plantin-Moretus Museum and the Association of Antwerp Bibliophiles.

The Frans Dille Prize

The Frans Dille Prize is a private initiative in close collaboration with the Museum Plantin-Moretus. The Prize promotes the graphic arts in recognition of the Antwerp artist and personality Frans Dille (1909-1999).

Graphic Rooms

The Free Graphics workshop of the RHoK (Etterbeek Academy of Fine Arts) joined forces with the Museum Plantin-Moretus for this project. The students first built a modular scale model of the entire Museum. They then examined a space of their choice and produced a graphical interpretation of it, which was then incorporated into the model.


Primary education

Go back in time with your pupils. Enter the home and publishing house of the world famous Christoffel Plantin. Experience how the famous Antwerp publishing family lived and worked.

Primary education

Go back in time with your pupils. Enter the home and publishing house of the world famous Christoffel Plantin. Experience how the famous Antwerp publishing family lived and worked.

Secondary education

Interactive guided tours, creative workshops or a one-day programme. Whatever subject you teach, at whatever school, you are sure to find an idea for a visit that is perfect for your class. We have developed a toolbox full of educational tips and tricks specially for you.

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