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Narcisse Tordoir

The Pink Spy, 2014

In 2014, the Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp (M HKA) organised a successful exhibition of work by the Antwerp artist Narcisse Tordoir. The city then purchased one of Tordoir’s monumental paintings from the series The Pink Spy for its civic art collection. Tordoir also donated four drawings from the series to the Print Cabinet. In 2015 Narcisse Tordoir brought these drawings and a monumental work to the Museum’s historic premises. The old library was the location of choice to juxtapose his impressive work with the historical context of the Museum.

Drawn to perfection

25 Flemish Masterpieces

Two hundred drawings from the Plantin-Moretus Museum were recently added to the Flemish masterpieces list. This summer we present 25 of these masterpieces, unique drawings from the seventeenth century.

A century of wonder. Five hundred years of curiosity and innovation


The 16th century print series Nova Reperta (New Discoveries) and contemporary developments are central to this exhibition. It is no coincidence that the sciences were high on Plantin's list of books.

Letters from Plantin


Christophe Plantin was a first-class networker. He kept in touch with both friends and foes through letters. Do his letters give a clue as to what Plantin really thought?

Grotesques. A fascinating fantasy world

Capricious, bizarre and monstrous, but also caricatural and ridiculous. Grotesques from the Renaissance to the present.

On the road with Plantin. Travel in the 16th century


In the spring and summer of 2021, we will be going on a journey. Plantin travelled a lot, but never for his own leisure. It was always business first. We will head off on business trips to Leiden, Paris and Frankfurt.

Baroque Book Design

A tale of friendship and cooperation

28.09.2018 - 06.01.2019 | The exhibition reveals publishers' love for their trade, and how they have motivated artists, printers and designers in the past and present to create top-quality products.

P.LACE.S - Looking through Antwerp Lace

in MoMu and 4 other locations

MoMu sheds some light on Antwerp's history of lace. Antwerp played an important role in the production and trade of lace. MoMu tells this story through an exhibition trail that connects five locations in the city.

Animals! Here, there and everywhere!

An active seek-and-find quest for sleuths from the age of four years

On the ground floor of the museum the whole family can hunt out common and unusual animals hiding in the works of art and on objects in the museum rooms.

An Italian in the Low Countries

Discover 500 years of city and regional life with the merchant Guicciardini

03.12.2021 - 06.03.2022 | Go back in time to Antwerp and the Netherlands in the 16th century. Lodovico Guicciardini, an Italian merchant who settles in Antwerp, describes in detail the life in the cities of the Netherlands at the time. Do we still recognize ourselves in his descriptions today?

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