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Make a donation and help furnish the new building

A new Reading Room and a new Collection Storage

140 years after the sale of the residence of the Plantin-Moretus printing dynasty to the city of Antwerp, the Museum is getting a new building with a reading room and collection storage.

The Plantin song

View and listen to the Plantin song

The Museum Plantin-Moretus has its own song for master printer Christophe Plantin. Les Øffs wrote the song and performed it during Museum Night 2014.

Enhanced protection

The Museum Plantin-Moretus belongs to a select group. Should armed conflict break out, it will enjoy enhanced UNESCO protection. Only ten such sites exist in the world.


The Museum Plantin-Moretus is a place for encounter and collaboration. Lovers of books, typography and historic houses are all drawn here. Expertise is shared with other institutions and partnerships are formed.


The Museum Plantin-Moretus is a place for encounter and collaboration. Lovers of books, typography and historic houses are all drawn here. Expertise is shared with other institutions and partnerships are formed.

Mysterious family heirloom

Descendants of the Moretus family recently donated a remarkable family heirloom to the Museum Plantin-Moretus. To put it simply, it resembles a painted cricket bat. The object’s function is a complete mystery.


Is typography your passion, and would you like to learn more about it in all its facets? Then the two-year course in Typography and Design will be ideal for you.

Unknown, unloved

The archive of relatives of the Moretus family, especially the Schilders family

The name Moretus is fairly well-known. But what about Schilders? Who were the Schilders family, and how did their family archive and that of their relatives end up in the Museum Plantin-Moretus?

Hercules and the Nemean lion

Rubens had a soft spot for the ancient hero Hercules. In this drawing, he bends forward slightly as he crushes the head of the Nemean Lion. In his attempt to find the ideal posture, Rubens gave Hercules three right and two left legs.

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