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Group visit without a guide

Every visitor wants to visit the museum in optimal conditions – understandably enough. This is why groups and schools reserve in advance. That way, we can coordinate group visits more smoothly.

From the Print Cabinet's depot

Every quarter, the Print Cabinet shows a changing selection, based on a theme relevant to the season.

Scientific research and manuscript dating

The Museum Plantin-Moretus collaborates with the University of Leuven in scientific research into its rich collection of medieval manuscripts. Thanks to the work of Lieve Watteeuw and Catherine Reynolds of the research centre Illuminare, we now know with greater certainty when the manuscripts were produced, and by whom.

RICH research project

Reflectance Imaging for Cultural Heritage

The Museum Plantin-Moretus is a partner in the Leuven research project RICH, short for ‘Reflectance Imaging for Cultural Heritage’. Prof. Lieve Watteeuw of the Illuminare research centre and digital imaging expert Bruno Vandermeulen are working together to digitise the Museum’s bookbindings, prints and miniatures optimally.

The Magic of Type Design

10.09.2011 - 02.10.2011 | In The Magic of Type Design: from Sketch to Digital Letter, young designers exhibited their typefaces in the Museum. All of them were attending the Expert Classes at the Plantin Institute. The designers investigated the different structures of letters and the associated typographic conventions.

Inside and outside

In Inside and Outside, book designers and typeface designers exhibited their projects from start to finish – from the sketches to the digital end product. On display were not just designs but also finished projects, digitally printed books and new letters and fonts.


The exhibition 'Magisterial. Masters of the Plantin Society (1951 - 1974)' marked the 55th anniversary of the Plantin Society. From the time of its foundation in 1951, the Society has sought to improve the aesthetics of typography and expertise in printing. This exhibition showed the work of teachers from the period 1951 to 1974.

The Black Panther: Another Avant-garde

On 5 December 2008, the De Zwarte Panter gallery celebrated its 40th anniversary, making it the oldest gallery for contemporary art in Flanders. The occasion was celebrated with a double exhibition at the Queen Fabiola Hall and the Museum Plantin-Moretus.

Contemporary past - Peter De Koninck

13.02.2011 - 13.03.2011 | Contemporary Past displayed an overview of graphic work produced by Peter De Koninck over a period of ten years. His remarkable monumental etchings are highly idiosyncratic. The rest of the exhibition consisted of serigraphs, smaller etchings and works acquired by the Print Cabinet.

Jan Vanriet - The Greeting

In 'The Greeting', the Museum Plantin-Moretus examined drawings by Jan Vanriet from the Print Cabinet collection and the artist’s personal collection.

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