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What is there to see?

Discover the magic of the Museum. In mansion and printing press. In room and studio. In letters and typography. In beautiful books. Experience how, long before our digital age, words and images were spread around the world.

Travel grant to Antwerp awarded to two international researchers (2019-2020)

Last year, the Plantin-Moretus Museum and the Hendrik Conscience Heritage Library (Antwerp) launched a fellowship programme for research into the history of the early printed book (15th-18th century) in Antwerp, with the gracious support of the Nottebohm Family Foundation and the Endowment Fund for Books and Literature. Today this scholarship is granted for the second time. Two foreign researchers will receive funding to visit Antwerp for a few weeks for research in the rich library collections.

Plan your visit

Come and visit the house and business of Plantin and the Moretus family. All you need to plan your museum visit can be found here.

Collection & research

The Museum Plantin-Moretus conducts ongoing research into its own collection. It also provides scientific services to other institutions, specialists and students, and to the general public. In this way, the Museum has expanded a small group of connoisseurs into a large group of enthusiasts.

New acquisition: a unique oil sketch by the baroque painter Theodoor Boeyermans

Discover Museum Plantin-Moretus’ new acquisition: an oil sketch by Antwerp's 17th-century Baroque painter Theodoor Boeyermans. The work portrays the glorification of the house of Plantin-Moretus.

500 years of Plantin

It's Christophe Plantin's birthday and we're celebrating

In 2020, we will celebrate the 500th birthday of Christophe Plantin. We will do this with a generous and varied programme that offers a surprising view of a versatile man: Christophe Plantin as an inspiration, traveller, letter writer and citizen of the turbulent 16th century. Will you celebrate with us?

Impressed by Plantin

Woodcut collection online

Explore the impressive collection of woodcuts in high resolution online. Sea creatures, richly illustrated letters and much more. A veritable treasure chest. Be impressed!

On the road with Plantin. Travel in the 16th century


In the spring and summer of 2021, we will be going on a journey. Plantin travelled a lot, but never for his own leisure. It was always business first. We will head off on business trips to Leiden, Paris and Frankfurt.

Baroque Book Design

A tale of friendship and cooperation

28.09.2018 - 06.01.2019 | The exhibition reveals publishers' love for their trade, and how they have motivated artists, printers and designers in the past and present to create top-quality products.


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