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Visiting the museum with a group

Guided tours, creative workshops, printing demonstrations and day programmes: come to the museum with your group and make the visit more lively or varied with our group options.

Taking your class to the museum

Active, fun, educational guided tours... Creative workshops on books and printing... Activities for students of all ages.

The double instrument

in the Large Drawing Room

In the Large Drawing Room, visitors can find a rare double instrument on which both virginal and harpsichord can be played. Listen to how the instrument sounds.

The essence of a Typographer

Niclaes Mollijns: Antwerp-Riga

This guest exhibition by the National Library of Latvia brings together books printed by the first publisher to print books in Riga (Latvia): Niclaes Mollijns (c. 1550–1625). He was born in Antwerp as the son of Jan I Mollijns, an established woodcutter and publisher. Before he moved to Riga in the 1580s, Niclaes worked as an apprentice in the printing office of Christophe Plantin.  

Five special pieces from the Rubens House on a visit

During an extensive renovation, the doors of the Rubens House remain closed. Fortunately, many works from the collection can be admired elsewhere. Five pieces are moving to Museum Plantin-Moretus. You can now view them there as part of the permanent exhibition. Martine Maris, Curator of the Rubens House, provides a taste of the five very diverse works.

Hercules, Lucas Faydherbe

loan from the Rubens House

Sundial, Jacobus de Succa

loan from the Rubens House

Home altar

loan from the Rubens House

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