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The knight, Death and the Devil

Jan Wierix was barely 15 years old when he made this engraving. It is an extremely detailed copy of The Knight, Death and the Devil, a work by Dürer. It was common practice to copy masters in the 16th and 17th centuries.

The Print Cabinet

The Print Cabinet of the Museum Plantin-Moretus has more than 20,000 drawings. This rich collection is among the finest in the world, and focuses on Antwerp artists from 1500 to the present.

The Print Cabinet

The Print Cabinet of the Museum Plantin-Moretus has more than 20,000 drawings. This rich collection is among the finest in the world, and focuses on Antwerp artists from 1500 to the present.

Portrait, Sam Dillemans

Sam Dillemans is an enormously versatile artist. Between 1993 and 2000, he perfected the art of the female portrait.

Studies for Beekeepers, Jan Fabre

Work by Jan Fabre can also be found in the Print Cabinet. This drawing is part of a series from 1994, four of which are owned by the Print Cabinet. The theme of the beekeeper often appears in Fabre’s work.

Twelve meter long funeral procession of emperor Charles V

A magnifique funeral procession in honour of Charles V, printed on a roll.

Plantins beautiful luxury Bible

This Bible is richly illustrated with 94 engravings. One of the most beautiful Bibles ever published in Plantins printing office.

The royal Bible in five languages - Arias Montanus

Plantins absolute masterpiece: a Bible consisting of eight parts in five languages.

Rubens, design drawings

As well as painting for Balthasar I Moretus, Rubens also designed printer’s marks and bookillustrations.

Precious masterpieces in depot

Some original pieces of the collection highlights are (temporarly) not on display.

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