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About people, power and society

In order to strengthen their image, rulers spread images of joyful entrances, triumphs or trials.

Religious works

In the Plantinian printing industry, the presses serve the Catholic faith with countless editions of the Bible and books for worship.

Ten top works

Ten top works jump out, books that determined Western thinking and shaped the world.

Ten top works

Ten top works jump out, books that determined Western thinking and shaped the world.

Latin classics - Justus Lipsius

Plantin convinces top humanist Justus Lipsius to print his Latin classics like Tacitus and Seneca at his printing office.

The first Dutch dictionary - Cornelis Kiliaan

The first Dutch dictionary was printed in Plantijns printing office.

Christmas in Museum Plantin-Moretus

A Christmas tree in the hall, a Neapolitan Nativity scene in the drawing room and garlands on the wall: it's Christmas.

Baroque Book Design

A tale of friendship and collaboration



A map will guide you around the highlights of the museum in about one hour. Would you like to spend more time? Please choose a guide from the bookshelves in the hall or read the information over here.

Finding your way round the museum

Explore the home and business premises of Plantin and the Moretus family on your own, with an audio play, booklet or game. Or take a guided tour.

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