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Projects and conferences

The study of books, the graphic arts, historic homes, public relations... all are fields in which the Museum Plantin-Moretus excels. Our employees write articles, organise exhibitions, produce catalogues and attend scientific conferences. Moreover, the Museum often collaborates in academic research.


Every exhibition introduces you to a different part of the collection. And exhibition catalogues then present the ideal selection of the items displayed. They elucidate the most attractive and interesting aspects of the exhibition in images and words. Buy the catalogues to assemble all that’s finest from the collection.

listening Eyes

low-literate young people and adults

The Museum has developed a set of cards that low-literate young people (and adults) can use to explore the Museum and its rich collections.


The museum’s collection includes 638 manuscripts, ranging from the ninth to the eighteenth century. The basis of the collection was laid by Christophe Plantin himself: he bought manuscripts that he could use to make book editions of Greek and Roman authors and church fathers. Plantin was also given manuscripts.

Portraits by Rubens

You will find an extensive collection of paintings in the Museum Plantin-Moretus. Nearly half of these are portraits of the family. The painter? Peter Paul Rubens!

Portrait of Jan I Moretus

Balthasar I Moretus commissioned this portrait of his father, Jan Moretus, from Rubens. It belongs to the first series of 12 works that Balthasar I Moretus commissioned from his childhood friend.

Association of Antwerp Bibliophiles

The Association of Antwerp Bibliophiles brings together collectors and researchers. They promote the love of books and study the history of books and prints in Flanders.

Past exhibitions

Exhibitions highlight a specific aspect of the collection. Past exhibitions are listed below.

ExxonMobil sponsors

Thanks to ExxonMobil, visitors can now admire the unique Urbs Antverpia map of Antwerp in digital form. The Museum keeps the map by Virgil Bononiensis in its collection storage.

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