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Christ and the adulterous woman - Anthony Van Dyck

in the expo Drawn to perfection

Anthony Van Dyck copies a painting by the important Venetian Renaissance painter Titian. Copying artworks is something all artists do. Even the greatest.

Counting with decimal numbers - Simon Stevin

The basis for the US dollar is found in Simon Stevin's book 'de Thiende'.

An Italian view of the Netherlands - Lodovico Guicciardini

A reference work about the Netherlands, richly illustrated and full of maps.

The first atlas - Abraham Ortelius

The first atlas was printed in Plantijns printing office.

A new medicine book - Pieter Coudenberg

Coudenberg’s Dispensatorium is translated in France, the Netherlands and Italy and is reissued well into the 17th century. The work will remain a standard until the 19th century.

Illustrated flowers of nature - Rembert Dodoens

Rembert Dodoens publish his 'Cruydtboeck' (herbal book). In the 16th century the most translated book, after the Bible.

Conditions of sale

Conditions of sale when purchasing an online ticket.

P.LACE.S - Looking through Antwerp Lace

in MoMu and 4 other locations

MoMu sheds some light on Antwerp's history of lace. Antwerp played an important role in the production and trade of lace. MoMu tells this story through an exhibition trail that connects five locations in the city.

Animals! Here, there and everywhere!

An active seek-and-find quest for sleuths from the age of four years

On the ground floor of the museum the whole family can hunt out common and unusual animals hiding in the works of art and on objects in the museum rooms.

Guerrillatour for students

secondary education

Is the museum definitely not the thing for your pupils? Try the Guerrilla tour, in which your progress through the house is peppered with juicy stories, creative interventions, and cool and fun facts about the family and the printing business.

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