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Precious masterpieces in depot

Some original pieces of the collection highlights are (temporarly) not on display.

Museum Plantin-Moretus scoops two awards

The Museum Plantin-Moretus has been internationally feted with two silver awards.

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Nomination Museums + Heritage Award

Each year Museums + Heritage celebrate the ‘best cultural practises’ in the UK and beyond. Museum Plantin-Moretus is nominated for the International award.

Discover the work of the Plantin printing office

In 1555, Christoffel Plantijn released his first book. In less than twenty years, Plantijn's publishing house has become the top in Europe.

Discover the work of the Plantin printing office

In 1555, Christoffel Plantijn released his first book. In less than twenty years, Plantijn's publishing house has become the top in Europe.

Four themes, a thousand books

In four themes, the museum explains Plantijn's exceptional importance in the dissemination of knowledge. The four subjects are language, science, human and society, and religion.

Four themes, a thousand books

In four themes, the museum explains Plantijn's exceptional importance in the dissemination of knowledge. The four subjects are language, science, human and society, and religion.

Old languages, new languages

Plantijn publishes numerous language works and textbooks. Jan Moretus published the first explanatory dictionary of the Dutch language.

Science at full speed

The port city of Antwerp and Plantijn's publishing house are a crossroads for the exchange of knowledge.

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