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From scribble to cartoon

Drawings from Bruegel to Rubens

In this exhibition, the Museum Plantin-Moretus shows the 100 most beautiful old master drawings from Flemish collections. From scribble to cartoon: Drawings from Bruegel to Rubens gives an astonishing and representative overview of the art of drawing in our regions in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Symposium 'From Scribble to Cartoon'

Different experts on drawings of old masters will present new insights on particular themes, drawings and draughtsmen related to the exhibition 'From Scribble to Cartoon. Drawings from Bruegel to Rubens'.

The essence of a Typographer

Niclaes Mollijns: Antwerp-Riga

This guest exhibition by the National Library of Latvia brings together books printed by the first publisher to print books in Riga (Latvia): Niclaes Mollijns (c. 1550–1625). He was born in Antwerp as the son of Jan I Mollijns, an established woodcutter and publisher. Before he moved to Riga in the 1580s, Niclaes worked as an apprentice in the printing office of Christophe Plantin.  

Travelling expo: Japanese Woodcut

In this mini-exhibition, storyteller Mokuhanga Magic highlights the craftsmanship of the Japanese woodcut.

Mother Language Day 2025

Studenten van Sint Lucas Antwerpen werkten met artistieke nieuwkomers van Stadscanvas aan een community poem. De resultaten worden op 21 februari gedrukt op de replica-pers in het Museum Plantin-Moretus. 's Avonds kan je lezingen bijwonen.

Ensor's States of Imagination

How did Ensor make prints? What techniques did he use? In what ways did he experiment with this medium and from which old masters did he draw his inspiration? Find out the answers in this exhibition.

Women’s business/Businesswomen

9 generations of stories in publishing house and home

In the Plantin-Moretus family, women most definitely stood alongside their husbands, and not behind them. From the 13th of September onward, the museum will uncover 300 years of stories from women in this house. Stories that urgently need to be told. About daughters who corrected proofs from an early age. About maids and ladies. About women who not only climbed the social ladders, but made the ladders too. Men are also welcome.

    Saturday 13 September 2025 until Sunday 11 January 2026 from 10:00 to 16:30

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