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Visit the museum from home

The museum is always open online

We are always open if you go online. Go online with and dive into our collections, view our online exhibitions, take a virtual visit of the museum, browse through the museum guide, or listen to the audio guide. Everything to stay indoors and take your mind off things for a while.

Design your own stationery


Writing letters is suddenly back in fashion. Surprise your parent, grandparent, or a friend you can’t see right now with a beautiful letter. And do it on home-made stationery! We’ll help you find out how to do it.

The story of the inventor of the atlas

On Google Arts & Culture

For the 450th anniversary of geographer Abraham Ortelius, the Plantin-Moretus Museum, together with the Snijders & Rockox House, created a presentation on Google Arts & Culture about the inventor of the atlas.

Online exhibitions

Exhibitions highlight a specific aspect of the collection. Below you will find an overview of the online exhibitions.


Play an 18th century party game

In the 18th century, people from high society enjoyed playing party games. The Cavagnole lottery game reached the Moretus circle from the court of Versailles. Our archivist accidentally found the rules in the Plantin archive. Would you like to join in?


Play an 18th century party game

In the 18th century, people from high society enjoyed playing party games. The Cavagnole lottery game reached the Moretus circle from the court of Versailles. Our archivist accidentally found the rules in the Plantin archive. Would you like to join in?

Reconstruction and testing the cavagnole game

After the transcription of the game rules, our archivist Kristof Selleslach also tested the game. And he suggested some improvements.

Cavagnole - game rules 2.0

The 18th century game rules in a contemporary guise

Are you tired of classic games after a few weeks of quarantine? Then play a game from the 18th century!

Museum Plantin-Moretus auf Google Arts & Culture

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Gute Nachrichten für Kunstfreunde. Das Museum Plantin-Moretus ist jetzt auch auf Google Arts & Culture zu finden. Entdecken Sie das Museum von zu Hause aus.

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