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Christmas in Museum Plantin-Moretus

A Christmas tree in the hall, a Neapolitan Nativity scene in the drawing room and garlands on the wall: it's Christmas.

Baroque Book Design

A tale of friendship and collaboration


'Manuscripts from the Plantin-Moretus Museum’ catalogue

Behind every manuscript lies a story. In the introduction to the catalogue by the expo 'Magnificent Middle Ages', Dirk Imhof, curator of old printed books, reveals the reasons why the Officina Plantiniana purchased its manuscripts.

‘Antwerp portrayed’ catalogue

'Antwerp portrayed' features a selection of thirty important maps and city views from the period between 1520 and 1610. The catalogue offers a majestic portrait of the city.

‘The Soul of the Master’ catalogue

Antwerp drawings, from Rubens to Panamarenko

You can hide anywhere – apart from in a drawing. In a drawing, the artist bares his or her soul. ‘The Soul of the Master’ presents a number of masterpieces from the Print Cabinet’s collection. It enables you to savour the art of drawing to the full.


Are you looking for an unusual destination for a company outing or teambuilding activity? Arrange to be shown around by our experienced Museum guides, or do a workshop. It’s great for getting to know your colleagues in a new way.

Old printed books

Mauris consequat ante vitae interdum fringilla. Morbi vel turpis augue. Sed in sapien blandit, commodo dui sed, ultrices lacus. Mauris pellentesque gravida leo, quis luctus lectus fermentum nec. Ut mattis elit sit amet tortor semper suscipit.

Old printed books

Mauris consequat ante vitae interdum fringilla. Morbi vel turpis augue. Sed in sapien blandit, commodo dui sed, ultrices lacus. Mauris pellentesque gravida leo, quis luctus lectus fermentum nec. Ut mattis elit sit amet tortor semper suscipit.

Anna Goos

Coming from a wealthy patrician family, at around the age of eighteen Anna Goos (1627-1691) married Balthasar II Moretus, twelve years her senior. Especially after the death of her husband in 1673, she proved to have a strong character and considerable entrepreneurial ability.

Martina Plantin

Martina Plantin (1550-1616) was the second daughter of Christophe Plantin and Jeanne Rivière. As the wife of Jan I Moretus, it was from her that the printing dynasty was descended, starting with her sons Balthasar I and Jan II, who jointly inherited the bookshop and print shop.

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